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What is the Weight of the Water?One cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 pounds and contains 7.48 gallons. A column of water 2.31 feet high will exert 1.0 psi Example To produce a pressure of 40 psi requires a water column of: 40 psi X 2.31 ft/psi = 92.4 ft 1 m3 = 1000 kg approx
Detention time for coagulation and flocculation in Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)coagulation reactions are rapid , detention period for flash mixers is between 60 seconds to 90 seconds, the detention time for flocculation basins is between 5 to 30 minutes. , The equation to calculate detention time is : Detention time = Volume of tank / flow rate
Coagulation in Effluent Treatment PlantCoagulation in water and waste water treatment is series of chemical and mechanical operations by which coagulants are applied . These operations comprise of two phases: (1) rapid mixing to disperse coagulant chemicals by violent agitation into the water being treated, and (2) flocculation to agglomerate small particles into well-defined floc by gentle agitation for a much longer time Coagulation results from adding salts of iron or aluminum to the water and is a reaction between one of the following (coagulants) salts and water: Alum — aluminum sulfate , Sodium aluminate , Ferric sulfate , Ferrous sulfate , Ferric chloride , Polymers
What is flocculation in Effluent Treatment Plant?Flocculation follows coagulation in conventional water treatment process. Flocculation is physical process of slowly mixing the coagulated water to increase the probability of particle collision. Through experience, we see that effective mixing reduces the required amount of chemicals and improves the sedimentation process, which results in longer filter runs and higher quality finished water. The goal of flocculation is to form a uniform , floc that entraps the fine, suspended, and colloidal particles and carries them down rapidly in settling basin. To increase the speed of floc formation and the strength and weight of the floc, polymers are added
Role of Equalization Tank in Treatment PlantTo enable the source to operate at a predetermined rate.
What is MBBR?MBBR stands for Moving Bed Bioreactor
Physical Characteristics of Water and Wastewater1.Turbidity 2. Color 3. Odour 4. Temperature
Chemical Characteristics of Water and Wastewater1. Total solids , suspended solids , settleable solids 2. pH value 3. chloride content 4. nitrogen 5. presence of fats , greases and oils 6. sulphides , sulphates and H2S gas 7. dissolved oxygen 8. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 9. Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Nitrogen Content : The presence of nitrogen in sewage indicates the presence of organic matter , and may occur in one or more of the following forms 1. Free ammonia , called ammonia nitrogen 2. Albuminoid nitrogen called as organic nitrogen 3. Nitrites and 4. Nitrates
Waht is Sludge Bulking?The Biological Sludge which does not settle well and compacts poorly in the secondary settling tank , leaving a small amount of clear supernatant at the top is Bulking Sludge. Bulking occur due to the presence of toxic substances , insufficient aeration , frequent shock loadings and excessive rate of supply of substrate. Bulking of Sludge is controlled by a mixture of copper sulphate and lime in 1:1 ratio by weight
How to treat effluent of Sugar Industry?Sugar industry is considered to be the most pollution ( water and wastewater ) emitting industry. the major pollution characteristics of sugar industry comprises of 1. High BOD 2. High Volatile solids 3. Low pH . The suggested treatment method for sugar industry is Biological treatment with Ultra filtration or Nano filtration for reusing the recycled water in the process.
How to treat waste water of Dairy Industry?Diary industry is among major waste water producer industries and produce effluent which contain 1. High Dissolved Solids 2. High Suspended Solids 3. High BOD 4. Presence of Oil and Grease , Suggested treatment method for dairy industry is biological treatment with DAF ( Dissolved air flotation )
How to treat waste water of Oil Refinery Industry?The problem with oil refinery is with free and emulsified oil , the suggested treat for oil and refinery industry is Oil separation Chemical treatment biological treatment
Treatment of Coke Oven water and wastewaterPollution Characteristics of this industry mainly consists of High ammonia content high phenol content high BOD low suspended solids high cyanide , suggested treatment method is Chemical treatment Biological Treatment
Treatment for Pharmaceutical IndustryPharmaceutical industry require high level of treatment for their effluent as the effluent mainly consists High total solids High COD High COD/BOD ratio either acidic or alkaline , suggested treatment is Chemical treatment Biological Treatment with lamella clarifier or DAF
How to treat cyanide from water?Alkaline chlorination process is used for oxidation of cyanides to carbon dioxide and nitrogen, Treatment for cyanides is carried out prior to the heavy metals removal , cyanide treatment process is carried out in two reactors , In first Tank / reactor at pH range between 9.5 to 10 cyanide oxidize to cyanate by the mixing of chlorine ( sodium hypochlorite ) , In second Reaction Tank at pH 8 cyanate oxidize to carbon dioxide and nitrogen through the addition of chlorine.
Paper and pulp industry treatmentStrong color high BOD High COD/BOD ratio Highly alkaline high sodium content are the main issues with paper and pulp industry suggested treatment for effluent is Chemicals recovery lime treatment for color Biological Treatment
Projects Participated/ ClientsJyothy Laboratories Limited different Brands of JLL fabric care : Ujalla , Henko , Mr White , New Super Chec , More Light Home Care : Maxo insecticide , Exo Floor shine , Maya agarbatis Personal Care : Margo soap , Fa Fresh soaps & deos , Neem Toothpaste Dish Wash : Exo , Pril Capital Foods Private Limited Top Brands in Food Industry , ketchup , Chutney , Noodles Ching's Secret Real Chinese Tasty Chinese , Smith & Jones Polluted Water Treatment Plant , ETP wastewater Treatment GPI Textiles Ltd An Ispat Group Company Zen Shipping and Ports India Private Limited ITC Limited FBD Pune Snacks Plant Adithya Automotive Applications Pvt Ltd TRF Subsidiary- A TATA Enterprises Areeb Engineering & Logistics T.E.G Tiba engineering group American Embassy School LOTUS INFRA PROJECTS Pvt. Ltd Haldiram Asfour Crystal International co Bengal Tools Limited Al-Ahli Leather Factory Co. Ltd Hindustan Construction Company Ltd BSB, BSNL, New Delhi APG Shimla University, Shimla Shree Samridhi Ent. Pvt. Ltd UTTAM GALVA STEELS LTD amarchand mangaldas , amarchand towers Kiran Udyog India Pvt Ltd Carrier Wheels Pvt. Ltd Shamli Gujarat Enviro Protection & Infrastructure (H) Pvt. Ltd. New Age Fashion Corporation HETERO LABS LTD,BADDI NTPC EOC Reckitt Benckiser India Limited DSQ Architects Pvt. Ltd Mumbai Alchemist Group Luminous Power Technologies (P) Ltd GULF CHEMICAL & ENVIROMENTAL WORKS CO Kuwait Aimer Airconditioning Pvt. Ltd Rajasthan DOSHION VEOLIA WATER SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD Ajay gelatine Products Pvt Limited Everest industries ltd Kaymore , Katni , MP H & R JOHNSON (INDIA) A Division of Prism Cement Limited , Mumbai Jubilant FoodWorks Ltd Procter & Gamble , Baddi Lafarge India Private Limited - EOO Kolkata Federal-Mogul Goetze India Ltd HPCL Mumbai Reputed Clients list
Industries We ServeRefineries Sewage Treatment Plants Effluent Treatment Plants Constructions Hotels Food Industry water softener Polymer industry Municipalities Chemical industry Dairy Industry Pharmaceutical industry Beverage Industry Textile Industry Automobile industry Fiber Production Soap Industry , Sugar Industry Battery Manufacturing Units Hospitals Petroleum Industry
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